While the winters around Eatonton are usually fairly mild, no one wants to be left shivering over the cold nights in January. Fortunately, you can prevent many mid-winter issues by taking a little extra time to care for and operate your furnace well. Consider these six essential furnace tips to avoid being left in the winter chill this year.
1. Replace Your Air Filter Regularly
One of the most critical components to keeping your furnace ready to tackle the chilly winter nights is maintaining your air filter properly. Ideally, check it every month and gently vacuum any dust or dirt off it when you do. Change the filter when there’s substantial contaminant buildup, usually every 30 to 60 days for smaller filters.
2. Test Your Carbon Monoxide Detector
Sometimes older furnaces experience cracked heat exchanges, which allows carbon monoxide into your home. Testing that your detector is working ensures you’ll be alerted before it becomes a critical issue if your heat exchange cracks.
3. Upgrade Your Thermostat
A thermostat is your furnace’s brain, controlling when it should run a heating cycle and when to shut it off. However, digital thermostats are only expected to last 10 to 15 years, so an aging model may not provide the right comfort. Further, you may consider upgrading to a smart thermostat, which can factor in the outside temperature to improve your furnace’s efficiency and your home’s comfort.
4. Open and Clear Supply Vents
One of the complaints in many homes is that some areas stay too warm while others remain cold. This issue often stems from insufficient air circulation that is sometimes caused by obstructions at your vents. To get ahead of this, make sure that all your supply vents are open and clear at least a few inches above and around them This allows the conditioned air flowing from the vents to build sufficient air pressure, which is needed to help encourage proper circulation.
5. Schedule Furnace Maintenance
Annual furnace maintenance plays a key role in keeping your home comfy when it’s cold outside. In addition to cleaning and tuning tasks that keep your system running efficiently, maintenance identifies problems while they’re small. Fixing these problems early reduces the operating load so the furnace is ready for the strain that cold weather brings with it.
6. Replace an Aging Furnace
With proper maintenance, most furnaces have an expected life span of 15 to 20 years. As they age, however, they become more susceptible to breaking down during the coldest parts of the winter. One indicator that it’s time to replace your furnace is when the cost of repairs over the last two years multiplied by the unit’s age exceeds the cost of a new furnace.
Don’t let the cold weather get to you this winter. Use these tips to make sure your furnace is ready for the coldest days. Call to schedule a furnace replacement consultation or a furnace maintenance visit anywhere in the Eatonton, GA area with one of our expert technicians from Superior Heating and Air.