HVAC Winter Tips: Improve Indoor Air Quality With Duct Cleaning

Homeowners often don’t realize that indoor air quality depends on their ability to keep the air clean. Many of the products that people buy for their homes and personal usage release harmful particle pollutants into the air, including adhesives; chemical cleaners; cigarettes, cigars and vapes; crafting supplies; health and beauty aids; insect repellants and pesticides; gas stoves; can and spray paints; and carpeting and upholstery. Additionally, the air can contain dirt, dust mites, mold spores, and even heavy metals.

Air ducts and associated filters, fan blades, motors and other parts of an HVAC system accumulate a buildup of these particles. Read on to learn the top ways duct cleaning can improve air quality and overall health.

Buildup Removal

The buildup that occurs in vents occurs because pollutants and other types of particles and debris, such as skin cells, human and pet hair, synthetic carpet or clothing and paper fiber, become stuck to the surfaces of vent covers, duct interiors and associated HVAC unit parts. Yet the buildup doesn’t always remain in place. With enough air pressure and flow through the ducts, it can become unstuck and puff out into the air. Simply removing the buildup immediately improves air quality and helps your health and that of anyone you live with who has allergies, a respiratory illness or some other condition that worsens with bad air.

Filter Replacement

Your HVAC system’s filter or filters help in the fight to prevent buildup of particles within the ducts and in related areas. By replacing the filter regularly, both during a duct cleaning maintenance call and between appointments, you reduce future buildup. Additionally, you reduce mold growth. When buildup slows airflow, it creates temperature fluctuations within the ducts and causes unwanted condensation. This moisture can attract pests that interact with the ducts in ways that reduce the airflow even more.

System Repairs

During a duct cleaning, an HVAC technician can much more easily see potential problems that reduce airflow, decrease air quality and risk the entire system shutting down. They might notice cracked, sealed or missing hardware within the ducts or discover that debris caused overheating that damaged a fan motor or other part. All these issues cause HVAC inefficiency and higher bills in addition to degrading air quality.

Choose the Right Air and Duct Cleaning Solutions

You can take action to improve air quality between appointments in various ways. Beyond replacing air filters, you can open windows to improve ventilation when using products that contain chemicals or other pollutants and replace harsh chemical products with more natural and safe solutions. You can also vacuum and wet-wipe fan blades and vent covers to remove debris.

We understand the importance of protecting the lives of homeowners and their loved ones, pets and visitors through better air flow and filtration. For more information about our duct cleaning services, contact one of our caring technicians at Superior in Eatonton, GA.