Understanding the Impact Of Your Furnace On Your Allergies

If you have allergies, you are sure to dread the signs of springtime that the rest of the Eatonton community loves. The blooming flowers and appearance of a lush green lawn mean that your allergies are likely to go into overdrive. But what surprises many allergy sufferers is the flair-up that occurs in the fall. And the fact that it seems to appear just as you are turning on your furnace has many wondering if their furnace is actually contributing to their allergy woes.

First, it is essential to note that your furnace does not cause your allergies. However, running your furnace can trigger the allergic reactions that make you so miserable. The reason for this onset of itchy, red eyes and running nose is because of the dust, pollen, and other allergens that have been collecting in your home’s ductwork. Even if your home has air conditioning that uses the ducts, it was likely turned off for a few months before it was time to fire up the furnace. And in that time, pet dander, dust, and dirt have settled into the ducts. Then when you turn on the furnace, all of those allergens begin circulating throughout your home. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your furnace from causing your allergies to go haywire.

Proactive Tips To Eliminate Allergy Issues Indoors

Taking just a few simple steps while using your furnace in the winter can help eliminate the misery you endure due to allergy issues. Some of the most critical include:

  • Replacing Your HVAC Filter- Most filter packaging recommends replacing the filter once every quarter. However, if you have allergies, that could be too infrequently. The best approach is to inspect the filters once a month. And as soon as you notice an accumulation of dust and dirt, replace the filter to increase the air quality in your home and eliminate allergens.
  • Air Duct Cleaning- You can only imagine how much dust collects in your home’s ductwork over the years. Think of all the dust on your furniture and imagine if you have not removed it for a few years. All of that mess is also in your ductwork. A professional air duct cleaning will remove all the dust, dirt, and pollen from the ducts and from your home. The process also includes cleaning registers, grilles, and diffusers for the most thorough cleaning possible.
  • Proper Maintenance- Having your furnace services regularly is the best way to avoid air leaks and damage that can increase the dust and allergens in your home. A single crack in a duct could be allowing dirt from your attic or basement to enter the ductwork and be distributed all around your home. Annual service will prevent these types of wear and tear from contaminating the air that you breathe in your home.
  • Dust And Vacuum Regularly- When you dust and vacuum often, there is less potential for dander, dust, and allergens to get sucked into your HVAC system and redistributed when your furnace is running. Use a HEPA filter in your vacuum, and be sure to include curtains and fabric-covered furniture in your cleaning routine. Moving furniture to vacuum behind and under it will also help eliminate a substantial amount of hidden dust, dander, and other allergens.

To learn more about techniques and furnace equipment that will reduce your allergy symptoms, call (706) 813-3541. The experts at Superior Heating and Air have the experience and expertise needed to help you create an allergen-free home. In addition, we offer extended appointment hours on the weekends and always provide a free price quote before beginning any work in your home.